Writer. Creator. Digital Humanist. Rhetorician.
Michigan State University | Migrant Student Services
MSU's Migrant Student Services has a program called CAMP (College Assistant Migrant Program). The students in the program typically come from southern states and are of low income. I worked with the program's coordinator to discuss some issues in order to develop a plan to address them effectively and efficiently. An issue I decided to focus on was their lack of winter clothing. I designed a flyer the students to refer to that includes what to wear and what not to wear, accompanied with an inexpensive location to get winter clothing items. I also teamed up with a couple other people focusing on the same issue and incorporated their work into my flyer so the students receive as much information as possible (ex. the Tumblr page link at the bottom).
Digital Humanities Project
While at Michigan State University I completed a specialization in Digital Humanities. Digital Humanities incorporates database design, analysis tools, data collection and more. I worked to finish a project with group members where I also learned about collaboration. We chose a research question to begin our project: Are the colleges located North of the Red Cedar River more arts based while South of the river is more STEM based (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Our corpus was made up of the college's mission statements. In order to analyze our research question we created a map and a set of visuals. Through this project you're able to see the colleges within MSU, matched with their keywords in their mission statements, and their location from the river. I worked with RAW, a graphing tool used to make connections. We also used Palladio, Voyant, and Google Fusion Tables.